From the Forums – [OS 8: Our Vision]

The upcoming BlackBerry OS 7 lineup has yet to release but that hasn’t stopped developers from thinking ahead, ask @digitalhomeboy, a concept deigner who has put a tremendous amount of work and effort into what he believes the future of BlackBerry smartphones should look like- The TK series. Another BlackBerry enthusiast Bongs has dropped his concept into our forum, OS 8: Our Vision, which features remastered media functionality, an all new context menu and more.

Check below to see the OS 8 concept

I have been working on my vision of OS 8. In my view, OS 8 will be much more consistent in terms of design, it will have a more simple and modern look with less menus in menus (if you get what I mean). New design elements will be added to make navigation easier and better.Please tell me if you like the design, also what else would you add or change from the current version.

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