Tether Running Summer Special- 50% Off Tether for Two Weeks Plus Win a Free Playbook

Tether makes for a great tool when stuck in a classroom, airport, road, restaurant, or bus with no Internet. Don’t waste money paying for a monthly service from your isp for portable internet service. Take advantage of this exclusive summer special offer, and let Tether take over your mobile data plan, allowing you to access the Internet on your laptop anywhere there is cellular coverage directly from your BlackBerry. Tether will be on sale for two weeks and can be picked up at the BBE SuperStore for only $24.99. Also included in the summer special is a chance for 1 lucky winner to win a free BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. Read more for entry details.

To enter all you need to do is:

1) Leave a review of Tether on BlackBerry AppWorld, either good or bad: http://bit.ly/TetherReview

2) Give us your email and username to enter your into the draw: 

Enjoy your summer everyone!

Thanks, Tether.com Team

Shout out to the Nerdberry Boys for coming across this one.