Target Offers Cash for Old Mobile Phones and Videogames

Do you own a collection of outdated electronics? If so, they might still hold some value. NBC has reported that Target is joining retailers as Best Buy, Walmart and Radio Shack in swapping store credit for old electronics. With Target’s program, they have limited their promotion to cell phones, iPods and video games. The retailer appraises the value of your item and you choose whether to swap it or not.

For instance, they have reported that a 3G iPhone with 16GB will pay up to $105, while a Blackberry Curve 8300 will only earn around $20. The items do not have to be purchased from Target but the money is paid out on a Target gift card. What happens to your old electronics? A manager for Target says the store either refurbishes and resells the electronics or recycles them.

How many games and old phones will you sell in order to purchase your new BlackBerry?

via: NBC