If you are a BlackBerry developer using BlackBerry® WebWorks™, Adobe® AIR®, or Native Gaming take your app to AppCircus at BlackBerry® 10 Jam and work with RIM experts on-site to port it to the BlackBerry 10 platform. You could win $25,000 to see your favorite bands! In order to participate, ensure you register your application with AppCircus by April 29th and attend BlackBerry 10 Jam in Orlando. Enter now and you can get some tips for building and pitching to help you prepare for the event at BlackBerry 10 Jam.
Prize package includes:
- $10,000 USD cash award to purchase concert tickets and to be used as spending money for you and your friends
- $15,000 USD Travel Voucher (booked through RIM’s agent) to purchase airline tickets, hotel reservations and ground transportation for you and your friends to attend the concerts in cities where you’ve purchased concert tickets
To find out more details on the AppCircus at BlackBerry 10 Jam contest and to view full terms and conditions please visit http://blackberry10jam.appcircus.com. Via BlackBerry DevBlog