T-Mobile Will Launch The BlackBerry Z10 On March 26th

T-Mobile customers break out your calendars and pencils, it’s time to start counting down the days to when you will finally get your BlackBerry Z10. As we have reported last week business customers with T-Mobile have already been able to order their devices and we now have a hard date for the rest of you, it’s March 26th.

This is great news for all of you with T-Mobile because you now know the wait is almost over. Just to further confirm this date the folks over at PocketBerry have also shown a internal document showing March 26th as well.

With all of the U.S. carriers finally releasing the BlackBerry Z10 let us know in the comments if any of you are making plans on being one of the first in line at your carrier. I know I’m hoping to have mine the first day Verizon has them in stores.