[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/#!/TMobileUKhelp/status/123735246687576064″]
If you’re a BlackBerry subscriber in the UK, chances are that you were affected by the BIS which occurred yesterday (10/10/20110). Apparently, the issue has been resolved so everyone should be back up to speed. T-Mobile UK Support and RIM have released an apology and an explanation for the outage via http://support.t-mobile.co.uk. Continue reading for details.
BlackBerry service
Over the past 24 hours, BlackBerry products have experienced a number of problems with email, internet and messaging services. This is due to a European-wide outage on the BlackBerry network run by BlackBerry’s manufacturer RIM, which is affecting all mobile operators.
RIM has apologised for the interruption to services and said it’s working to restore normal operations. They have committed to provide further updates. If you have further concerns, please contact RIM directly via their website, www.rim.com.