The TNS Mobile Life survey, one of the largest mobile consumer studies, shows that BlackBerry users are more loyal to their brand than Apple users. It was discovered that out of the 34,000 consumers in 43 countries, 93% of Australian BlackBerry users claimed they will stay with their current mobile provider when they buy their next smartphone. When asked if users would stay with their current brand upon contract renewal, Apple came in second with 92% and Android in 3rd with 90% answering yes. Why is BlackBerry number 1 and the rest behind? According to TNS director Marcus Pritchard, Apple will need to become more professional in order to take back its number one title from BlackBerry.
“I think if Apple wanted to have number one – whilst it’s got the form factor, it’s got apps, it’s got the brand that people are attracted to – it still seems somewhat as the consumer brand and not the professional or semi-professional brand,” Mr Pritchard said.
“It doesn’t matter what any of its competitors are bringing out, they’re still not having the same capabilities or seen as the same level of professionalism when it comes to email so what we’re seeing those that are Blackberry users are the ‘stickiest’ kinds of people.”
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