Lately there has been a lot of talk of BBM coming to more platforms other then just BlackBerry. For some like myself this brings up mixed emotions and for others it brings up happines and then we also have the other end of the spectrum where people are angry over this. As every one has there right to their opinions.
For me I am split about liking this and not. I have been a long time BBM user and absolutely love having it. It makes it easier to talk to people and is quicker then having to do the whole process of making a text message. On the happy side I like BBM coming to all platforms because I will then be able to get rid of my texting package completely. This would save me around $20 a month which adds up after time. On the other end of the spectrum I am not happy with this idea because I honestly beleive that BBM is one of the features that makes a BlackBerry different. I feel as if it came to other platforms people who are new to BlackBerry would have one less want or need to pick up a BlackBerry and actaully see what a great platform it is. I have been a long time user of BlackBerry(going on 6 years in June.) and know that one big feature that has kept me hooked was having BBM. So I pose the question to you guys. Are you happy about BBM coming to other platforms such as IOS and Android or do you think that it will be a bad thing. We want to know your opinions? Leave us comments down below to tell us what you think.