Today is the day that BlackBerry App World™ is accepting applications targeted for BlackBerry 10 devices. Apps submitted to the store are guaranteed to be reviewed, tested and ready for publishing when BlackBerry 10 launches in Q1 2013.
When creating a new release in the BlackBerry App World Vendor Portal, a new device Family called “BlackBerry 10” and one new device “All Touch” will be shown. Selecting “All Touch” will target the app for BlackBerry 10.
All apps submitted to BlackBerry App World in October and Novemeber for preferred carousel placements at launch will be reviewed. The sooner an app is submitted to the storefront, the sooner it can be tested for the Built for BlackBerry program; and if it’s tested and certified, developers can then qualify for the 10k Developer Commitment.
For more info, head over to the Inside BlackBerry Developer Blog