Start the new year right with the fresh look of Element 2012 by Xan

It’s a new year, and time to make changes and resolutions.  Why not start with the new updated version of a classic Xan theme?  Element has been revamped for 2012 with a fresh perspective.  You still have the hidden dock and hidden OCD, but this time you also have the option of hiding the year (so you can use it all year and the next and the next…) a tint feature, and OS7 icons.  Read more to find out about making a change to Element 2012.


Default Home Screen



I absolutely love the creative design of the bottom banner.  It’s very original and holds most of your information, including the clock, notifications, signal meter and network information.  The fact that it is transparent is also great for wall papers!   The clock, signal meter and date are all hot spots for the corresponding app.   The unique year feature is on the top left super imposed with the date.  Custom numeric battery meter on the top right corner.   Simply put,  Element is a great design.



The 5 icon hidden dock uses OS7 icons and can be accessed with space/esc.  To show or hide the OCD, use +/-.    The new features with this version is that you can now hide the year, allowing you to have more options, and of course to be able to use it year after year after year (and why wouldn’t you?)…Also available is the tint feature which I have used here.  Perfect for those lighter wall papers.  Just use z/x.


App Screen


The application screen is clean, using a black background with a star glow effect.  The focus icon is a grey square allowing you to see your selected app perfectly.  The same grey is used in as the menu highlights. Element is simple, pleasing to the eye and has a consistent look throughout.  It worked in 2011, and it will work for you this year:-)


Home Screen


New year, new Element.  Xan has given a hit theme a face lift, and yes, it works.  Been wanting to use this theme, but with last year’s model didn’t quite feel right.  All is good now.   It has a small file size, super easy to use and navigate, and looks awesome. Element 2012 is available at iHeartMyBB for $1.99 for a limited time, so get it now.  Available for both Bold OS6 and Torch 9800.  Another quality theme from iHeartMyBB…with superior customer service which is just as important as the theme itself.   Making a resolutions/changes for the new year?  Ring in the new year with Element 2012 – a change you know you can keep 🙂