We reported last week that Sprint will not be carrying the BlackBerry Z10 at all and I’m sure that upset quite a few of their customers. Well today we might have some great news to cheer you folks up with this latest rumor to hit Sprint and BlackBerry today.
We have seen that All Things D has a source that says Sprint will be offering an all touch BlackBerry 10 device in the second half of this year. All Things D went on to say that it will be a “follow-on handset to the Z10, rather than just a slightly modified version of the initial all-touch phone being sold by Sprints rivals.” Not sure what this means as far as the device but its a great sign if your a Sprint customer.
Hit up the comments below if your with Sprint and tell us if this will make you happy or are you still upset that they didn’t bring on the Z10?
Source: All Things D