A Spring Fling is a new theme by MakeupNotWar over at Bows & Blackberries. And wow! If you like color, if you like Spring, if you like pink, this is the theme for you! Nevermind that there are still snow flurries outside my window! I’ve got A Spring Fling on my Berry and all is warm and whimsical.
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The home screen, by default, is clean of any dock. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, there is a shortcut to Manage Connections surrounded by a daisies accent. The clock is large and readable with daisy accents as well. Very feminine and whimsical. In the notification bar, there is a shortcut to Options in the center of the bar. The lower hand right side showcases the Weather (OCD) slot. Whew! That’s a lot for the home screen, but I’m not finished. To see the text dock, hit the space bar.
6 text items appear on the dock and it is dismissed with the ESC key. The focus icon for the list is a pretty hot pink underline. The apps screen is plain black so all your icons will be visible and so that your wallpaper choices do not clash with the rest of the theme. The menus are black transparent with pink highlights. I have to show you the app screen so you can see the focus icon!
The focus icon and the rest of the Blackberry icons are all custom made. Look at the pretty pink and purple of the focus icon. Cool. Here are the media icons…adorable set!
This theme is smooth and does not lag. Gals, you’re gonna want to add this to your theme arsenal. We can never have enough themes, especially when Spring Fling is so delicate and pretty and customized all the way through. No stock icons here at all. It is available for 9700, 9650 and 9780 on OS6 and for 8500, 9700, 9650 and 8900 on OS5.
(Have a) Spring Fling for only $1.99 for OS6. Available here at Mobihand.
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