SpeedNotes – A fast and convenient note taking app [20 FREE copies to giveaway!]

Gray Matter Apps presents SpeedNotes SpeedNotes is a fast and convenient application for taking and sharing notes without the need to open and name a new memopad entry or concern yourself with ensuring that the note is saved before exiting the application. When typing in your note, SpeedNotes automatically takes care of saving your work to your BlackBerry’s internal storage. At any point you can just press escape to exit SpeedNotes and then return later and your note will automatically be loaded, ready for you to either continue working with, send or save it to a selection of destinations or simply clear and start again from scratch.

SpeedNotes supports sending or saving your note to the following choices:

– A MemoPad entry.

– A file on either your SDCard or BlackBerry store.

– A Calendar entry.

– A Tasks / ToDo entry.

– An Email.

– An SMS message.

– A PIN message.

– The BlackBerry clipboard.

How could I win a free copy?

1) Simply drop a comment explaining why you would like a free copy of SpeedNotes

*Download links are at the bottom of this post, continue reading SpeedNotes app description.

The calendar, task/todo and email options support a choice of fields for placing the note into, for example, within calendar you can choose to place the note within either the Summary, Location or Note fields.


Existing notes can also be loaded into SpeedNotes from the following choices:


– A MemoPad entry.


– A file from either your SDCard or BlackBerry built in storage.




SpeedNotes is available for $2.99 from the BlackBerry Empire Store, a 7-day fully functional trial version is also available:


SpeedNotes Trial Version @ the BlackBerry Empire Store



Purchase SpeedNotes @ the BlackBerry Empire Store