Sorenson Video Center

Hard of hearing/no hearing individuals may be aware of Sorenson, however I had never heard of them until today.  Sorenson is a big manufacturer of videophone devices, allowing for hard of hearing/no hearing individuals to easily communicate.  Their videophone lines allow for messages from hearing callers to be recorded by a Sorenson interpreter and viewed by the recipient, among a host of other features.  Sorenson announced today the release of their BlackBerry app which is available in App World for free.  This app allows users of the Sorenson SignMail to view their messages on a BlackBerry device.  Currently the app only supports the Bold 9000, 9700, 9650, and Tour 9630.  However, I’d expect more devices to be supported as time goes on, and especially the BlackBerry PlayBook to be on that supported list by launch.  Though, that’s just my speculation. 

I was told recently that we had some low/no hearing fans in our audience, Sorenson does allow you to apply for a free Sorenson VP-200 if you don’t have one already.

Read the full press release.

SALT LAKE CITY–Sorenson Communications, the leading provider of Video Relay Service (VRS) for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals who use sign language to communicate, today announced its Video Center app is now available through the BlackBerry® App World for Bold, Bold2 and Tour cell phone models. The Sorenson Video Center app empowers Sorenson VRS® (SVRS®) users to access Video Center content, including SignMail® messages, videos and Storytime videos for children on their BlackBerry® while on the go. The BlackBerry app is significant because it brings deaf cell phone users one step closer to communications that are functionally equivalent to those enjoyed by hearing individuals.

“The Video Center app for BlackBerry® is one more service from Sorenson Communications to help users stay informed even when they are away from the VP”

The Video Center is a one-of-a-kind, central information repository that is typically accessed through a stationary Sorenson VP-200® videophone. The Video Center offers deaf individuals access to SignMail, a service which is similar to voice messaging, except that messages are recorded in American Sign Language (ASL). The Video Center also offers informational updates and entertainment videos which are all filmed using ASL. The Video Center app offers Sorenson users mobility and connectivity. The app contains a video tutorial to help users get started as well as provides answers to questions they might have about using the app.

“The Video Center app for BlackBerry® is one more service from Sorenson Communications to help users stay informed even when they are away from the VP,” says Mel Walker, Director of Product Management. “Sorenson Communications works diligently to deliver products and services that provide the highest level of communications functionality possible. I’m pleased to be able to offer BlackBerry® users another way to stay in touch with the people in their lives, regardless of where they are.”

The Video Center app is available at no cost from BlackBerry® App World or at .

More information is available on the Sorenson Communications VRS website at

About Sorenson Communications

Sorenson Communications® ( is a provider of industry-leading communications services and products. The company’s offerings include Sorenson Video Relay Service® (SVRS®), the highest-quality video interpreting service; the Sorenson VP-200® videophone and Sorenson IP Relay® (SIPRelay), enabling text-to-speech relay communication.

Source: BusinessWire