Vie means life in french and that’s what you will get when you have Vie loaded on your phone. Vie is not a fancy theme, but it is superbly laid out with a lot of hot spots right from your home screen. Hidden dock, hidden OCD and once again custom battery and signal meters, Xan has given us a theme that is highly functional and easy to navigate, yet looks fantastic. So read more about the theme and contest details. Breath new life into your BB with Vie.
- Default home screen
Here is Vie. Simple, yet full of life. A transparent top banner holds your custom signal and battery meters (signal on left, battery on right). The signal meter is a hot spot for manage connections. The clock is placed right below the top banner with the PM/AM vertically set…something different, new and unique. The clock is a nice size and the font chosen lets you see it well, which is a must for me. It is a hot spot for the clock. The date is under the clock and will take you to the calendar. Notifications are on the bottom, and if you scroll over them, there is a hot spot for you messages. Already so much you can do right from the home screen. Vie really does make your BB come to life.
- Home screen with user selected wall paper and dock and OCD showing
I really love the way dock on this way. 5 of your most used and favorite apps rest upon a crystal clear tray that is brought up by using the launcher. Click the right side and the dock will appear. Click the left side and the dock hides. The circle in the middle is another cool feature, click it an launch your pic folder. The OCD is shown and hidden using +/-. On this screen shot I have also used the tint feature ( z and x ) that is included. It will darken your wall paper by 20% so even light backgrounds will look alive.
- Application screen
The application screen has a beautiful teal almost “pool” like background. A perfect choice for a theme that adds stunning life to your device. The same color is used throughout in the menu and highlight bars. The focus icon is a crystal clear square, the same as used on the home screen. Very well put together and the theme flows beautifully. Now guys, don’t let these colors put you off…they are very calming, and sometimes you need that in your life!
- Home screen with user selected wall paper and OCD showing
Xan was going for simple and minimalistic with this theme. The crystal clear banners and focus icons allow you to see your wall paper perfectly, yet still have all the function you need even with all the elements showing. I like this theme because it IS simple. Not complicated and everything is right there. And it looks stunning. And my wall paper shows very well. And it runs smooth with easy navigation. It’s so full of life!
- Home screen with user selected wall paper
Looks great with any wall paper or picture you choose, which is a necessity these days. Xan’s last few themes have been of great quality. With this one she continues her streak with another hit theme. I think everyone can use a little life, don’t you? If you want to win one of 10 copies that Xan has generously given us, comment here on the blog and make 3 NEW posts and you will be contacted if you are one of the lucky ones! Good Luck! Now, if you don’t happen to win, that’s ok because you can get this theme here on sale for $1.49 for both OS5 and OS 6 on 480×360 devices and the Torch 9800 OS 6. Other devices coming soon! As they say in the language of love, C’est La Vie!
- Home screen with user selected wall paper