Nemory, developer of Snap2Chat, a third party Snapchat client for BlackBerry 10 let us know of his latest beta update. This update contains several bug fixes, brings BBM integration and much more. For a full list of features see the official Snap2Chat beta thread.
Full change log for latest beta update:
- Error Line 1, Column 1 etc..
- Camera Opens on Start even not logged in now fixed
- –and more.. can’t remember all
- camera orientation fixed and more betterĀ (untested in the Z30, really need your feedback to this, when reporting please post a screenshot and tell if it is from a portrait or landscape and from front or rear camera)
- added ultra quality snap
- tap to focus in snap2chat camera
- timer picker button now easy to tap
- fixed snap feed list item, removed (from)
- loading snap with progress bar
- shutter sound on and off option
- corrected camera flash button
- added BBM Integration
- snap2chat camera tap to focus
- now hides other elements when opening the timer picker
- BBM Channels Button (thanks to Toby)
- option to load snaps automatically (little buggy)
- can now view snaps sent from your self
- choosing recipients to send a snap now loads once only
- disable auto refresh option
- auto delete sent snap option
- camera shutter sound on and off option
- menu settings also on top when you swipe down
- long press camera button to open video recorder
- option to choose default camera or snap2chat camera
- preview video snap before sending