SIMPLE Mobile Launches New Unlimited International Long Distance Plan

SIMPLE Mobile® Launches New Unlimited International Long Distance  
Plan To Revolutionize The Industry

Irvine, CA – (December 22, 2011) – SIMPLE Mobile®  
( is shaking up the wireless world again by  
offering two new international long distance options. New and  
existing SIMPLE Mobile users can upgrade their unlimited domestic  
calling plans with the company’s new $10 Unlimited International Long  
Distance or $10 Pay-As-You-Go International Flexibility supplemental  
features. As with all of SIMPLE Mobile’s plans, unlimited  
international text messaging is also included.

The $10 Unlimited International Long Distance Plan is ideal for those

people who frequently make international calls to any of the more  
than 50 countries the plan is compatible with, including Mexico,  
Canada and the Dominican Republic. For people looking to make calls  
to a broader range of countries, the $10 Pay-As-You-Go International  
Flexibility Plan offers amazing rates to every country worldwide. A  
full list of countries and features supported through international  
calling plans is available online at .

“We continue to offer free international text messaging with all our  
current plans and our totally new international calling plans are the  
perfect compliment to that feature,” commented Tim Garrett, SVP of  
Marketing for SIMPLE Mobile, “The majority of SIMPLE Mobile customers  
have friends and family outside of the US, so these upgrades will  
definitely appeal to them. The revolutionary $10 Unlimited and Pay-As- 
You-Go options can cover our customers’ international calling needs  
through the same dependable, hassle free style of wireless service  
SIMPLE Mobile has been providing them with domestically.”

More information on SIMPLE Mobile and the company’s unlimited  
wireless plans can be found online at .

International Long Distance service provided by Elite Telecom. To see  
complete Terms & Conditions and determine eligibility to principle  
cities and landline destinations, visit

About SIMPLE Mobile
SIMPLE Mobile® () is, well, simple. They  
offer the hottest new unlimited wireless service, outstanding  
products and absolutely no compromises. Unlike some cellular programs  
which limit your choices to just a select group of phones, SIMPLE  
Mobile offers the nation an unheard of SIM card program that  
encourages customers to B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Phone) and enjoy  
affordable service using one of more than 200 currently approved GSM  
phones. SIMPLE Mobile offers a few simple tiers of economical,  
unconstrained mobile access ranging from $25 for unlimited national  
talk and text to a $60 plan that includes unlimited high speed Web at  
up to 4G speeds.

No bills, background checks, commitments or hassles. That’s SIMPLE  
Mobile. .