Should Our President Ditch His BlackBerry?

BlackBerry user and current United States President Barrack Obama said in a statement that he was leaning towards acquiring a device with “fancy buttons” and a larger screen, reports the dailymail. According to reports the President stated,

“In the Oval Office, I always thought I was going to have really cool phones and stuff. I’m like, c’mon guys, I’m the president of the United States. Where’s the fancy buttons and stuff and the big screen comes up? It doesn’t happen.”

It didn’t take long for one BlackBerry competitor to respond to the President.  Reps from Microsoft’s EMEA team contacted Obama via Tweet and offered a free Windows Phone 7.

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If I recall correctly, Obama has used a BlackBerry smartphone throughout his Presidency. My question is, should our president ditch his BlackBerry? Especially for a Windows Phone 7? I mean, would you feel comfortable with our commander in chief using a revived device that lacks not only in security, but basic functionalities that other device platforms offer?

Not everyone is suited for the BlackBerry smartphone’s taste but when dealing with national security, the issue of appeal should be irrelevant. What’s “ugly” on the outside isn’t always ugly on the inside. How about complete device and data protection with Protect Lock Device and Wipe Device? Or better yet, help locate your BlackBerry from unauthorized access? Yes, the BlackBerry delivers. Below is one Super App from RIM that should make any person, government and institution make the BlackBerry platform their primary cellular.

Download BlackBerry Protect here
BlackBerry Protect Video Review pt. 1
BlackBerry Protect Video Review pt. 2

No doubt any president is tasked with a rough schedule. Our President is after all human and gets tired of checking and responding to messages all day too so I understand his gripe. And for that, there are devices out in the market that provide unmatched levels entertainment. An iPod touch is one example. Games, apps, and anything you need to get your mind off work all packed in a pocket sized device. An even better example is the new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, which in the near future will combine with the Android Market’s app ecosystem. For the sake of our security and defense Mr. President, please keep us Protected with a BlackBerry.