Rumor: RIM Partners Up with HTC Sense Developers YOU i Labs For New BlackBerry UI?

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According to sources, RIM is stepping up their game by partnering up with YOU i Labs, the developers of the HTC Sense touch user interface. If true, we can expect YOU i Labs and the acquired TAT to craft up the user interfaces for next level BlackBerry devices, both smartphones and tablets.

A deal was in the works between the two companies. Initially, it seemed RIM was going to buy YOU i Labs, but in the end, it turned out to be a significant partnership between the two companies

The deal would be a boost for RIM, which has been focusing more on improving the user experience on its devices. RIM, last December, bought The Astonishing Tribe or TAT, a Swedish UI design firm to help improve tablet and smartphone UI design. YOU i Labs develops user experience and interface technologies for mobile devices of all kinds including tablets, smartphones and other mobile electronics. The company boasts that nearly 500 million devices are running software developed by the company.


via BBRocks, Nerdberry
