Rogers BlackBerry Bold 9700 in White and Pearl 9100 Dummy Phones Appear

Bold 9700 (white) Pearl 9100 (maroon) front

Looks like the wait for that beautiful white 9700 Bold won’t be to long for you Rogers customers. Treatz the well known Blackberry photo ninja has done it again and brought us some pics of this new Bold 9700 in white. It also looks like the still unannounced Pearl 9100 is in the picture as well, but in a maroon color (don’t think anyone was expecting that).

Bold 9700 (white) Pearl 9100 (maroon) back

With the dummy units now in Rogers stores the wait for the official release can’t be to much longer which is a good thing for you guys wanting to get your hands on these devices soon. The specs on the white Bold 9700 are no different from the black 9700 model, however if you are not familier with the current specs of the 9100 let me give you a brief run down. So far we know the 9100 Pearl will house a 3.2 megapixel camera, 256 MB of app memory, OS 5.0, optical trackpad, and a 360 x 400 display. So I hope you all have those pockets ready to grab these two sweet looking Blackberry’s sure to release soon.
