BOSTON, Nov. 30, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — ROAM Data launched today the world’s first encrypted audio coupled card reader for BlackBerry® devices, which comprises approximately 30% of the smart phone market in the US
This next post brings some nifty technology to your BlackBerry smartphone. Using ROAM enables the millions of merchants with BlackBerry devices to securely swipe customers’ payment cards with reduced transaction fees by conveniently plugging-in ROAM’s low cost reader into the audio jack . This unique swiper solution called ROAMpay Swipe is the latest in a series of mCommerce innovations brought to market by ROAM Data.
“Our goal is to bring the most convenient and secure ways for merchants to transact with their customers on virtually any computing devices,” says Will Graylin, Founder and CEO of ROAM Data. “Our team of mobile and payment experts has consistently overcome major challenges to simplify complex problems for the market, making a secure audio reader work with BlackBerry is the latest achievement we are proud of.”
Hit the More button to view a video demo on how the software and hardware function using a BlackBerry.
Mobile payment for BlackBerry is finally getting closer. The folks at ROAM have more in store than just the ROAMpay Swiper. Check out the full press release here so you can get a full grasp as to who and what ROAM Data are.