As companies are starting to jump on the wagon of innovation driven technology, new ways and resources have to be created to satisfy the consumer and provide efficiency for the company to boom and grow. RIM has provided DEVS a new source code which will hopefully allow the creation of PlayBook apps for companies who are taking their forms online for easier signature access for customers.
According to RIM’s Developers support forums, it states:
“The BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet with its 7″ touchscreen provides an ideal form factor for capturing and collecting signatures. The attached Signature Pad sample application demonstrates the best practices of capturing signature on the BlackBerry tablet such as touch point smoothing to make the signature look more like a paper signature, encoding signature data into JPEG format, saving signature data to the file system and adjusting the thickness of the line to match finger or stylus precision.”
To learn more about the source code resources go to RIM DEV Support Forums ! Goodluck!