Earlier I received a broadcast message from my buddy Shawon stating that if you’re in the Time Square area of NYC, BlackBerry representatives are handing out free tickets to New York Knicks basketball club to its users. I immediately began doing research on this because well, this is pretty cool if true. Come to find out, BB user bbvj posted in the CB forum that while at a Knicks game, a BlackBerry rep scanned the barcode through her BBM and entered her to win a pair of Knicks tickets. Check below to read what she had to say.
My husband and I just got home from a New York Knicks basketball game at Madison Square Garden (7th win in a row…Yehhhh!). Upon entering on the sixth floor and waiting for my husband to arrive at the 100 level, right outside of our seat section on the concourse was a BB marketing team in an area displaying BeBold logos. I have to admit I immediately became really excited as it’s my first time spotting BB marketing at any function! So of course I went right over to them. They explained that BB is sponsoring a contest where the winner receives free tickets to NY Knicks games, so they scanned the barcode through my bbm and I’m now entered. (Later, I of course sent my husband back to do his phone also). I was the only one there at that time, but I lingered chit-chatting with a couple of the reps, and as I was leaving I noticed that people were beginning to gather in that area to check them out, and some of the reps began actually approaching fans as they entered the concourse to ask if they were currently blackberry users or would consider changing to Blackberry. I also noted that the BeBold logo was also featured periodically during the game on the jumbotron as a sponsor. I’m really glad to see that BB is getting more visible in their marketing, but I have to admit that I was somewhat disappointed that they didn’t at least have Playbooks on display for folks to sample, etc. Missed opportunity? As I think about it now, I don’t think they had any phones either, just cabaret type tables covered with BB logos….Sorry I didn’t hang out there longer to question more, but didn’t want to miss opening tip…
If true, this is another factor that says RIM is on a different path to achieve success. Their marketing department has stunk so this is good news for RIM going forward while they are in the midst of their mobile transition. Now if we can get them to San Antonio, I’d gladly let them scan my BBM Barcode for some Spurs tickets, or even some Dallas Cowboys tickets for this coming season.