RIM Launches New BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business! Get Started Today

Joining the Beta Zone revamp, comes a new subsite from RIM – BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business! Small, medium or large, the Business Beta Zone welcomes all businesses and startups. Continue reading for more.

Hosted at www.blackberry.com/businessbeta, BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business offers a tailored experience for small, medium, and large businesses who want to experience and test the latest BlackBerry software and services prior to their market release.

BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business features a more user-friendly interface, more opportunities to participate, and an improved mobile experience. BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business also features news to keep you up-to-date on new beta programs and events as they become available.

While logged into BlackBerry Beta Zone for Business, you will be able to access all of your business beta programs on behalf of your organization, if your company has enrolled in one or more of the available programs. Your BlackBerry Beta Zone account is valid for consumer or personal beta programs as well. Once logged in, switching between your business and consumer accounts is simple, seamless, and will not require separate login credentials.

via RIM