Upon checking my mailbox this morning, I was happy to find a new case to test on my Z10. The Incipio DualPro hard-shell case with silicone core was nicely packaged and easy to open up without breaking out a knife, which is great to see in this day of packaging nightmares.
After opening it up, everything was packaged neatly inside and some extras were included which is a nice touch. Not only do you get a cleaning cloth, but also a perfectly sized screen protector with an application card to help get rid of the small bubbles that can mar a perfect install. Below that small package is what we paid for, a silicone sleeve with what Incipio calls Plextonium as the hard shell.
As you can see from the pictures, mine was in black to match the black Z10. Installation took a little more time than just slipping on the liner and then the hard case as there are some thin areas along the front that can get pinched by the shell if you aren’t careful. All in all I spent less than a few minutes making sure everything was snug.
Once everything was snapped on properly and I checked the edges to make sure everything was fitting properly, I immediately could feel the different texture of the Plextonium hard case. It has a matt feeling that is smooth but still feels nice in the hand, similar to the back of the PlayBook.
The main goal of a case is to protect the item inside. Without question you can see how the silicon liner would buffer any a drop much better than a hard case alone. The corners are covered and the case is a bit higher than the front surface to protect against scratches to the glass.
All ports are exposed and offer easy hookup to headphones, charger, and HDMI. Other buttons such as the lock button and the volume/play buttons have a silicon cover and work effortlessly with the case on.
The only concern that I have and this may be based on how I hold the phone, is that the silicon lip that runs near the usb and hdmi connectors really has no support and almost feels loose. When I hold the case in my right hand, I find my fingers rolling it as it is loose enough to be moved easily. It doesn’t interfere with anything, just feels strange as though it might stretch over time.
Other than that, this is a great offering from Incipio and gives some drop protection, as well as moisture along the seams covered by the silicon liner.
When checking their web site I see they have color combinations available so you can have a different color liner than the hard case to distinguish your Z10. With a retail price of $29.99 for everything included, I would consider this a great value considering you get a screen protector as well.
With so many new cases hitting the market due to the popularity of BlackBerry’s BlackBerry 10 flagship, this one stands out as one that will be popular with a variety of customers.
Visit Incipio or Amazon for purchase.
Review by Alan Castell