Recycle Bin for BlackBerry – Restore your Contacts, Memos, Calendar, Tasks and Email after deletion for Free

Ever delete something and wished there was a recycle bin on your BlackBerry device? Yeah me too! Well,  today that day has come. New to BlackBerry is the recycle bin app which stores all your deleted E-mails, Contacts, Tasks, Memo and Events in separate tabs.  With the recycle bin app you can easily locate your deleted items and restore them back. Continue reading for details.


1. Items included in Recycle Bin are: E-mails, Contacts, Tasks, Memo and Events
2. Stores your deleted items safe
3. Restore your items back with a single click
4. Permanently remove item from the recycle bin
5. Option to permanently remove individual or all

Note: Deleted Emails are restored in Drafts folder due to technical limitations. To find your Email go to the particular Email Account Folder and filter the Drafts from selecting – Filter – Drafts from menu options. Other items can be restored as original items.

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