Everyone of us needs a go-to theme we can use on our BlackBerry to be productive. A theme we can always count on to be simple, easy to operate, efficient, and visually pleasing at the same time. Pulsar by TN Themes is just that theme to accomplish all this.

Click for more Pulsar is a theme that lays it all out on the line. What you see is what you get. The intention behind its creation has been carried to perfection. The theme is composed of 10 mini OS7 icons that are always available on your home screen. The time and date is prominent and the profiles icon handy.Your wallpaper is the star here and everything you need to operate your berry is available from the home screen.

I like the fact that the OCD icon (here picturing BerryWeather-the paid version) is larger than the mini icons. A few shortcuts exist: the signal meter leads to Manage Connections, the profile icon to Profiles and the clock to Clock Options.

The app screen is a dark blue which makes it easy to choose your icons and see the text. But honestly, with 9 mini icons on the home screen and an OCD slot for the weather, who needs to go to the apps screen?

This theme looks great with any wallpaper and definitely accentuates the wallpaper choices. It’s clean and simple. There is no lag when using this theme and it is a classy one that you will go to again and again.

If you would like to pick up this theme, you can buy it from Blackberry App World, here for just $.99. A small price to pay for a theme that adds spark to your BlackBerry home screen.

Special thanks to Tommy for hooking me up with the theme.