Private Eye PRO for the BlackBerry PlayBook [review]

Private Eye PRO for the BlackBerry PlayBook is another application by the developers at If your looking to turn your PlayBook into a surveillance camera or just want to stream live video onto the web, then look no further.

[Click here for mobile viewing]

Private Eye PRO is a very simple and user friendly application to use. As seen in the video above, it’s smooth and provides a nice video feed online. The app gives you choices such as: video only or video and audio; low quality or high quality; and the option between front or read facing camera. That’s not all, you can also post a link of your video feed to FaceBook or Twitter (can’t leave out social media). The app does have a bit of a lag at times. At worst, I’ve timed it at was about 3 seconds; however, 3 seconds isn’t really too significant when you talk about real-time. The app does exactly what it says it does and it does it well. If I were to add anything, it would probably be a zoom option and ability to send  a link to multiple email accounts (though the social networking sites do make the sharing easy, email would allow you to be more selective of those who you’d want to tune in). In any cases, Private Eye PRO is a solid app and you can pick it up today from BlackBerry App World for $9.99 by clicking here. Ready to make your PlayBook into a video streaming device? How would you use this app? Share your comments below.

BlackBerry App World (PlayBook)

TrustBe (Developer)