Accredited to the success of RIM’s BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), social networking has evolved from personal computers to our mobile handhelds harboring relationships that exist locally to across many oceans. To help you find the relationship of your liking in addition to our growing Empire comes the ultimate social meeting place, PinShare. lets you easily meet new BBM users and allows you to share open or professional interests with friends and BBM users.
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Welcome to PinShare!
September 07, 2011
PinShare is a social meeting place added to our Empire that allows smartphone users to connect with and empower one another. Share open or professional interests with friends and discuss the latest smartphone trends, devices, and reviews.
Unlike sharing private telephone numbers, PIN sharing among smartphones such as BlackBerry’s (BBM) has provided users with a high level of security that traditional phones do not. Pinshare gives you direct control to network and socialize with people across all major device platforms. Pinshare is your #1 place for first time smartphone users to enthusiasts, corporate professionals, and mobile developers.
Our mission is to provide smartphone users with the #1 Pin sharing place.
We are dedicated to give you the best networking tool that will allow you to meet people, help enhance your profession, develop & plan for the future, along with pick up on the aspects of evolving smartphone use.
To navigate the site, move your cursor up at the top and use the menu located at the top page. It starts with “Home”, “News”, “Forum” “Friends”, “Browser BBM Users”, “Videos” “Photos”.
Your personal Pinshare mainpage is located to the left of the site which gives you direct access to messages, discussion board, edit/manage friends and view online friends.. Beneath your display pic and username, you can share and let others know your PIN, what’s on your mind and more. Update your status and share photos, upload videos, links and other content. Whatever it is you share will appear as posts on your profile.
Get here now!
Happy PinSharing !
– The BlackBerry Empire Team