Press Release: AT&T Set to Revamp International Service Plans

It looks like the mobile operator AT&T is set to make some changes to their international data plans starting July 17th. The site razorianfly has put together a list of the new plans compared to whats currently out now.

Available from July 17, AT&T’s new International Data Plans are as follows:

– $24.99 gets you 50MB (used to get you 20MB)
– $49.99 gets you 125MB (used to get you 50MB)
– $99.99 gets you 275MB (used to get you 100MB)
– $199.99 gets you 800MB (used to get you 200MB)
– Every 10 megabytes you use over your plan will cost you $10

Check below for official press release

International Travelers Can Use A Lot More Data With New Global Packages From AT&T
Available July 17, New Packages Will Offer Better Value and More than Double the Data Allowance in Over 100 Countries
Dallas, Texas, July 12, 2011
AT&T* today announced a new lineup of AT&T Data Global Add-On packages that will make it more affordable than ever for wireless customers to enjoy data services while traveling internationally. Launching July 17, the upgraded packages** give customers more than double the data allowance of current packages and offer additional savings.
The new international data package tiers are:
* 50MB package for $24.99/month compared to the current 20MB package for $24.99/month
* 125MB package for $49.99/month compared to the current 50MB package for $59.99/month
* 275MB package for $99.99/month compared to the current 100MB package for $119.99/month
* 800MB package for $199.99/month compared to the current 200MB package for $199.99/month
Designed to give customers the freedom and flexibility to use data abroad, without having to search for a Wi-Fi hotspot, the new packages make it more convenient and affordable for international travelers to use their smartphone, tablet or laptop to stay in touch via email, update their status on popular social networking sites and enjoy convenient access to information such as maps and directions.
“Mobile data is a huge part of our customers’ wireless experience-whether they are in the United States or traveling around the globe,” said Bill Hague, executive vice president of International, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. “We’ve long offered more phones that can be used internationally than our competitors, and now we’re delivering industry-leading value with redesigned international data packages.”
AT&T’s wireless customers enjoy a robust selection of world phones and international discount data, messaging and voice packages, along with the broadest global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider. With voice service in more than 220 countries, AT&T customers can travel around the globe and make and receive calls on the same wireless number they use at home. AT&T also offers data roaming service (email, web browsing) in more than 200 countries, including 3G speeds in more than 140 countries, including Japan and South Korea. Coverage is also available on more than 140 major cruise ships.
For more information on other AT&T international services, including discount packages for messaging, voice and international long distance services, as well as travel tips, visit

via razorianfly