New Premium Theme-DRN by Bee for OS6

Bee has just released a new theme for OS6 Torch, 9700 and 9650 called DRN. It is characterized by a text dock at the bottom of the home screen, as are many hot themes these days. This one has a touch of pink, so it will be a special draw for the ladies. And at the price of one dollar, its a great theme to add to your berry.

The home screen of DRN with the text dock. Dock not user-customizable

Bee’s new theme has a nice transparency to the icons. It is very wallpaper friendly as well. The fonts are default style but add a dainty touch of pink; pulling the whole theme together.  The theme is a custom made, leaving the fugly trays of OS6 long behind it. And something I really love about this theme right off the bat- the date and time are in black and are easily seen and read.

App screen of DRN by Bee. Nice transparency on the icons

On the app screen, you will notice the OS6 icons are recolored pink for the theme. The pink arrow is the focus icon, moving you from one icon to the next. The banner at the top of the screen is transparent, so as to allow your wallpaper to show through. The notification banner allows plenty of room for all those notification icons we all seem to accumulate these days.

A sample menu screen and highlight

The default font in DRN is crisp and readable. The menus are the same gray color as the rest of the theme with a true pink highlight. Bee has included a few notes to the users. One is that the icons on the home screen are static and they cannot be changed by the user. Also, for 9800 users, the default focus will initially be on the clock. Users need to touch an icon once it is highlighted in pink and then scroll left or right to gain control of the trackpad.

At only a single dollar, DRN will be a hit with the gals. And let me do my ultra-girly test:

DRN passes the ultra-girly test

I never did ask my editor if he minds these ultra-girly  and girly tests of themes. But seeing as he is a great guy, well, I’m sure he wouldn’t tell me I can’t. After all, we ladies have to know we can make a theme our own. DRN is one you definitely can!

Purchase Bee’s new theme DRN at Mobihand for just a dollar! for the 9650, 9700 version

Purchase Bee’s new theme DRN at Mobihand for the Torch for just a dollar!