For any of you folks that have been using my favorite BlackBerry app, Power Tools from Toysoft Development it’s time to head on over to BlackBerry World because there’s an update. This latest update brings the app to version and we have the complete change log below. This app has so many great features already but somehow the developer continues to make it better.
Here’s the change log:
- Added Delay Send Mail – Go to the Applications Settings screen in Power Tools and there will be a new item called Email. Delay Send Mail will allow you to setup which email accounts to delay send. When you compose or reply to a email Power Tools will queue the email until the specified delayed minutes is up and then send it. This is useful if you accidentally sent a wrong email or you need to edit the email again. If you have any queued delayed emails you can always run Power Tools and then select from the menu and force to send all the messages.
- Added Weather Wallpapper – Go to the Application Settings screen in Power Tools and there will be a new item called Weather, the weather settings have been moved there from the Active Frame screen. Here you set how you want to get the weather information. A new Wallpaper button is added. Select the button to set different wallpapers depend on the current weather temperature (example: You can set a new wallpaper when the temperature goes below -10 degrees or above 30 degrees). You can have unlimited number of temperature wallpaper settings. Just rememeber, if you use the regular wallpaper changer in Power Tools the weather wallpaper will always change when the temperature changes (There is no priority over each other).
- Add Account to the Message Blocker – You can now select which account to apply the spam filters. Currently you can only select “All” or one account. In the next release you will be able to check which accounts to apply the filters.
- Changed the New BBM and Application item in the Application Settings screen to just Notifications – There is a new item to notify you in the Hub whenever Power Tools is started after each system reset
- Updated the scheduler for email – You can now enter more than one email addresses in the “To” and “CC fields”. Use the comma to separate email addresses. The limit for each field is 128 characters.
- Added more choices to the Sync Hub Messages – You can now select from 1 minute to 6 hours to sync. If you do use message sync I would recommend you to set the message sync to manual for each account in the hub email settings.
- Fixed the bug in the Application Settings for OS10.2 devices – Before it wasn’t allowing you to select Pebble Watch.
Like i said, this is by far my most used BlackBerry 10 app. It has so many different utility apps all built into one and has allowed me to delete a bunch of others. The developer is also quick to reply if you do have any issues and that makes it the best app available (in my opinion).
If you want to update Power Tools, or to purchase it just tap here. The update itself is FREE but if you haven’t purchased it before the cost is just $3.99 and worth every penny.