If you have been using the very popular app, Power Tools from Toysoft Development then you may want to head on over to BlackBerry World because there is an update now available. This latest update brings the app to version and we have the change log below. Just so you know the change log has a very important message in it so be sure to read it before updating.
Here’s the change log for this update:
Due to the stability of the headless application crashing (in the last version) we have removed the ability to setup individual LED’s for BBM contacts. Once we stabilize the headless application we will add this feature back in. Sorry for the inconvenience.
LED’s for applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter are still working. To get the application LED working you just need to receive a message which will give you a Hub notification, then just follow the on screen instructions to set them up.
What’s new or improved in this version:
- Added turn on WiFi in Geofencing.
- Added vibrate to alarms – You can set it to vibrate along with the ringtone.
- Added new alarm types – On 15 minutes, on 30 minutes, on 45 minutes, and on the hour. You can set the start and end times for the new alarm types (for example – start at 9AM and end at 12PM). Important: If the current hour is past the start hour you need to START the alarm otherwise Power Tools will wait till the next day to start the alarm.
- Added disable message blocker in the application setting general screen – If you want to start all email and text then turn it off.
- Added disable message blocker log in the message blocker screen – Just toggle the icon on and off.
- Added disable sound notification in the application setting general screen – This is useful if you go out of town or on vacation.
- Added stop LED and ringtones when you launch Power Tools in the general settings.
- Added stop LED when you flip the device upside down – Go to application settings in the stop LED screen.
- Added reject incoming call in “The Wave” settings – Just wave at your BlackBerry to reject the call, no need to touch it. Make sure your device is on a flat surface to use this feature.
- Fixed the cell signal LED – Yellow and white were in the wrong order.
- Fixed “The Wave” – It should work better now.
As you can see from the big change log the developer from Toysoft has been hard at work with making Power Tools even better than before. So if you already have the best BlackBerry 10 app (in my opinion) on your device be sure to grab the FREE update now. If you don’t have Power Tools installed yet, what are you waiting on? The app is only $3.99, which makes it well worth the money since it has so many smaller apps all built into one very powerful app.
Update or purchase Power Tools here.