Power Tools and Profile Changer Pro from Toysoft Development updated in BlackBerry World


For any of you that have been using either Power Tools or Profile Changer Pro for BlackBerry 10 by Toysoft Development there is an update to both apps waiting for you in BlackBerry World. These latest updates bring Power Tools to version and Profile Changer Pro to version We also have the change logs for them both below for you to check out. As with all of Toysoft’s apps it’s great to see that he keeps things up to date and running smoothly.

Here’s the change log for Power Tools:

  • Added One Time to Schedule – When the schedule is completed it will be removed from the schedule database. This is useful if you just want to send a email or text one time only. When you set up a schedule select recurrence and select one time only.
  • Fixed the Sound Event Sound – Before if you have low battery indicator sound on then the reset of the event sounds won’t play.
  • Added One Time to Holster setting – If you do not want Power Tools to change the sound profile when you holster just go to the holster setting screen and check the disable one time checkbox. When you unholster Power Tools will clear this flag.
  • When configuring the holster sound profile properties just such LED, vibrate, volume are now removed. – This caused more confusion before. When you put the BlackBerry in the holster you just want to set a sound profile and other properties are not necessary.
  • Fixed the bug for Alarms with Instant Preview – When you touch the instant preview alarm message Power Tools will be launched and the alarms screen is opened. The LED and alarm ringtone will stop.


Here’s the change log for Profile Changer Pro

  • Fixed v2.2 running in Headless mode problem. This version is more stable in Headless mode.
  • When WiFi is out of range Profile Changer now works correctly and will change the profile.
  • Added Disable One Time for Holster. This will allow you to disable the Holster profile one time only.
  • Removed profile sound properties such as LED, Vibrate in the Holster setting.
  • When you restart the BB Profile Changer will vibrate to indicator that it has started in the Headless mode.

Note: If Profile Changer Pro does not run in the background then just restart your BlackBerry

So for any of you using the Power Tools app you can grab the update here, and the Profile Changer Pro update here.

For those folks that haven’t checked out these apps yet what are you waiting for? Power Tools is by far my favorite BlackBerry 10 app because it contains so many apps all built into one (it’s only $3.99) and Profile Changer Pro is perfect for those that want to have the sound profiles controlled automatically (it’s only $2.99).