Port Your Android App to BlackBerry 10 and Get Rewarded


For all you developers out there, RIM rewards all Android developers who port their apps to BlackBerry 10, the process is very simple and could be done in less than 10 minutes!

The Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10 will start at noon ET on January 11, 2013 and run for 36 hours.  It is a virtual event, so you will be able to log in from home, your desk at work or even set up a porting party with your friends. As with the first events, the more apps you port the greater the reward for you.

Get Rewarded

The more you port and build the greater your rewards*:

  • Port one or more approved apps –and get $100 per eligible app to a maximum of 20 paid applications per Vendor
  • Additionally; submit five (5) or more apps and be eligible for a random draw for one (1) of one hundred (100) BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha Devices. Receive one (1) additional entry for every eligible app that you submit over 5.

Porting Android apps to BlackBerry 10

Since more apps mean more rewards, you should take advantage of the tips below and get ready before you join the event.

Here’s what you need to get prepared ahead of time.

  1. Register as a Vendor at BlackBerry World if you haven’t already.
  2. Request signature keys. Make sure that you select for BlackBerry® PlayBook™ OS and BlackBerry 10 and higher. Downloading in advance is strongly recommended as the time involved to do so could prevent you from earning rewards.
  3. Load up your laptop BlackBerry tools and plug-ins. Make sure you have your full source code file readily available too.
  4. Make sure you have your images and icons ready to go.

We also have porting guides and tools you can use to get a head start.


BlackBerry Runtime for Android apps Overview

Port your Android app from BlackBerry PlayBook OS to BlackBerry 10 OS


ADT Plug-in Repackaging Tool

BlackBerry Packager for Android Apps

Join us

Submit your apps into BlackBerry World before BlackBerry 10 launches. Register for the Android Port-A-Thon for BlackBerry 10 today!

Find more details here

Have questions? See the FAQ.

Via: BlackBerry DevBlog, BBin