PlayBook to Get Access To Hulu Afterall

Research in Motion has begun talks with Hulu Execs to bring Hulu back to the BlackBerry PlayBook. This is certainly great news as RIM tries to keep the PlayBook rolling with as much competitive momentum in the tablet world as possible.

Hulu blocks the free service, however, from the mobile platforms as it tries to encourage companies to push the Plus service to users which runs viewers $7.99/month. The benefits of the Plus service is that you can watch full seasons of your favorite TV shows on various set top devices, gaming consoles, as well as on your mobile devices with the Hulu Plus app. The downsides, however, to some outweigh the positives such as commercials, advertisements, and limited time access to certain shows.

There is currently no time frame for the app, but look for it to launch by the Summer time as RIM seems to be pushing really hard for this. Leads me to wonder why they hadn’t thought of this before hand…

Source: Yahoo Finance, PCMag