Unfortunately, One of the things that BlackBerry smartphones are missing is a free solid RSS reader with desktop synchronization. BerryReader is pretty awesome but the price is high for most users and News Feeds from RIM is just a shameful rehash of Viigo. My big hope is that the BlackBerry PlayBook will fix this with an awesome Google Reader client using the new SDK’s. While you could simply use Google Reader in the PlayBook browser a client usually is more functional for RSS especially for offline caching, and when you dont have WiFi access.
BlackBerry Developer Ryan Krull has answered that calling by releasing the first Google reader client that we have seen for the PlayBook and its completely free. The app looks pretty sweet and kind of makes me wish we could get more of these kinds of apps for BlackBerry smartphones.
Features include:
- Sync directly with Google Reader. Use your Google account to login.
- Star, Like, and Share feed items.
- Mark all items in a feed as read.
- Sort feed items by “Newest First” or “Oldest First”.
- View the article detail in a maximized window by tapping on the article detail panel title bar.