Play Angry Birds on the BlackBerry PlayBook

 The most common question I am asked when showing someone the BlackBerry PlayBook is “Does it have Angry Birds?”  The sad truth is that many people don’t care about the PlayBook once they hear the answer to that question.  They don’t care that it is coming soon, they want it now!  Well, the wait is over.  You can now play Angry Birds on your PlayBook offline.  Read on for more information.

How to:

  1. From your PlayBook, click and hold the following link.
  2. Select “Save Link As” and save the file.
  3. Type “File:” into your web browser’s address bar
  4. Navigate to “accounts/1000/shared/downloads” and click the Angry Birds file you saved before
  5. Click the “Add to Favorites” Star on the top right of the browser and then select “Add to Home Screen” and name it “Angry Birds”

You will now have a full functional Off Line version of Angry Birds.