Pinstripe is a BlackBerry theme for OS6 created by BarbieW. It has a very stately looking home screen which features a hidden dock as well, to allow the theme to be functional as well as fashionable.It has a weather slot front and center, and a number of hotkeys for operation.
For more screen shots, click herePinstripe is a classic as far as themes go. It has just enough mini icons on the hidden dock to allow for operation of many features of your phone without leaving the home screen. It is not over-done. There are no transitions to bog down your operation of the dock. The dock shows with “z” and hides with ESC. Without it, your view of the wallpaper is unobstructed.
This theme would be an excellent choice for the guys. The app screen, menus and calling screen are black with grey font. Very gender-friendly. As a FREE theme, Pinstripe is one you can go to when tired of the glitzy or cutsey themes. It works smoothly and is extremely wallpaper-friendly. Pinstripe is compatible with OS6 and is available for the 9650, 9700 and 9780.
Download your copy of Pinstripe at BarbieW’s website for FREE (OTA)