Pink Glitter Nebula is a theme that will leave you floating around the cosmos in a colorful haze. MakeupNotWar has created a pink glittery gem using iPhone-like icons that adds excitement and sparkle to your BlackBerry. When I loaded this on, I felt like royalty. How can bling be bad for a gal anyway?
MakeupNotWar has created all custom iPhone-like icons surrounded with a glitter square. The theme is done in the default OS6 style, and when you open a tray to reveal your icons you get the full effect of sparkle. There are also custom backgrounds and custom focus icons that add to the over-all cosmic effect. The focus icon is a glittery multi-colored square. The wallpaper can be changed by the user. If you would like some other compatible wallpapers, you can go to her website Bows-n-Blackberries and search the wallpaper directory.
The color scheme of pink, teal, and purple is used throughout the theme. The menus are transparent with a pretty pink highlight. The color scheme on this is fabulous. Girly, girly. What’s not to love!
Pink Glitter Nebula theme is for anyone who loves pink, glitter or wild colors! The theme is fun for your Berry. Remember, check out her website for neat wallpapers you can use with this theme.
To get your copy for OS6, click here for the Mobihand store. Only $2.99 and available for 9700, 9650 and 9780