I believe Raypho must have had many sleepless nights creating this theme! It just does so much. Or maybe the ideas came to him in a dream. Whichever it is, the OS Organizer in any color you desire is sure to fulfill your dream! I am reviewing the purple, of course!

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The OS Organizer comes in a variety of colors: black, blue, red, purple, green and orange. The colors are vibrant and the theme is sleek. You can make it do as much or as little as you would like. Raypho has built in all capacities in this theme. Aside from the obvious OCD or weather slot, you will see a series of little buttons to the left. Those buttons operate your theme.
The first button shows the Messages display. It will show the Messages, Calendar appointments and Text Messages all on one screen so you will see several of each. The second button (with the people on it) shows the BlackBerry Messenger messages you have waiting.

The button with the check mark will display your Tasks, Memos and Missed Calls. This theme can display every bit of information you need to know at the touch of a button! Here is a picture of what this looks like:

No more excuses! You can’t say I missed your call, or I wrote it down on a list but forgot where I put the list, or You did NOT message me on BBM!!!! You can’t avoid seeing any of this if you have OS Organizer. It keeps you up-to-date and will make your efficiency rating soar! The app screen is the same beautiful shade of the default home screen; in my case purple, and the highlight color is a lovely gradient of purple as well; making things so easy to see.

This theme reminds me a lot of another one of Ray’s themes: Scythe. Scythe is a purple and dark icon based theme that I always carry on my BlackBerry. This theme has similar-looking rounded-edge, square icons and dark purple colors throughout. Although they are different styles and different shade of purple, and even different icons; no one does purple better! This theme reminds me of how much I love both of these themes by Raypho.
Remember, you have your choice of brilliant colors for this theme: black, red, blue, green, orange and purple.

This theme looks great with any wallpaper and as for functionality; you can’t beat it! If you love a Today theme; you can see your messages, texts, bbm messages, tasks, memos, missed phone calls and icon dock, along with your weather all on the home screen! Whew! Talk about a full house! Color, style, functionality, sleekness. OS Organizer has it all.
Pick up OS Organizer at our BBE Mobihand store for just $3.99. Available for 9650, 9700, 9780 running OS 5 and OS6; 8900 running OS 4.6 and 5.0; and the 8350 and 8500 running OS 4.6 and OS5.