OANDA Launches BlackBerry PlayBook Currency Converter App

The OANDA Currency Converter app will be the first native app built by OANDA for RIM’s brand new BlackBerry PlayBook mobile platform. The FREE app allows its users to have easy access to currency data powered by OANDA Rates, which are the daily filtered rates relied on by multinational corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, financial institutions, and central banks. This clearly extends the reach of technology and emphasizes the BlackBerry PlayBook innovative design allowing users to be assisted in their financial needs anywhere, anytime. 

The app will also allow users to calculate foreign exchange rate conversions for more than 190 currencies and four metals. It automatically lists the user’s 10 most frequently used currencies for easy access. Convert today’s rate or rates for the past 30 days; a simple custom graph displays the 30-day trend for each currency. Its innovative design displays both the “bid” and “ask” rates for each currency, and allows users to add percentages to their conversions for more realistic rates – for example, the higher rates typically charged by banks and credit card companies.

OANDA’s CEO, Michael Stumm, was quoted, “”We are pleased that our currency converter is among the first wave of apps available on this new platform. As mobile experiences become available on more platforms, OANDA’s mobile development strategy will evolve to meet customers’ expectations for access to innovative currency tools anywhere, anytime.”

For more information go to OANDA and dont forget to dowload the FREE Currency Converter App on App world!