While BlackBerry isn’t the only target here as the NSA can also reportedly tap into iPhone and Android smartphone data as well. According to some internal NSA documents discovered and reported by SPIEGEL the US intelligence has that type of capability.
The United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) can tap into:
- Contacts list
- SMS traffic
- Notes
- Location information (GPS enabled devices)
- Mail system
Are these major concerns for you all who keep all sensitive data on your device? Which gives you the most concern from the above listed?
It is also being reported that the NSA has specific groups that handle each different major operating system, iOS, Android and BlackBerry, “with the goal of gaining secret access to the data held on the phones.” According to reports it was most difficult to access BlackBerry devices as they are packed with top security features, iOS and Android devices were the “most successful” in attempts to “hack in”.
No actual documents were provided, are these attacks on BlackBerry? SPIEGEL is a known site which was worth reporting on.