Paul, the Manager of Technical Services for the Enterprise Sales group at RIM has decided to take it upon himself to make a deliberate effort to conduct all of his work on his BlackBerry 6 equipped Torch 9800 smartphone. From keeping his laptop in his bag, leaving it in the hotel room , to not taking his personal computer with him at all, Paul is on a mission to see if working directly from his BlackBerry smartphone is at all possible.
Since the post went live, I’ve decided to track it down and see the progress. So far, Paul has found some nice tips that he would like to share with all BlackBerry users
1. In the “Files” application, map to your personal drive. This is a great way to keep documents easily accessible between your laptop and device. Think of it as your secure cloud hard drive. To do this:
a. Launch the “Files” application
b. In the “Go to” section at the top of the app type the path to your network drive. It will most likely be in the following format “//server name/folder name”
** You’ll need to be connected to a BlackBerry® Enterprise Server and have IT permissions for this.
2. Create a folder on your MicroSD card called “USB Thumb” and keep files that you would frequently share with your customers or team. I also store commonly used documents and product information here, where it is easily accessible.
3. Tips for getting the most out of your BlackBerry smartphone battery:
a. Reduce the backlight timing and brightness (Options > Screen/keyboard)
b. Turn keytones off (Options > Screen/keyboard)
c. Use headphones when using Media.
d. Utilize “Bedside Mode” when charging (I always use my BlackBerry smartphone as my alarm clock, so it’s beside the bed but it doesn’t have to be a nightlight!)
e. Check out some more hints for conserving BlackBerry smartphone battery power.
Check out the full story over at