A few days ago while briefing through CNNMoney I saw an article that really got me going. In that article they claim the biggest problem BlackBerry is going to face in world of smartphone competition is the “App Race.” Now don’t get me wrong, having an extensive collection of useful apps in the App World is a contributing factor in the success of a platform, but that’s not RIMs BIGGEST problem they face. In my opinion, here is what RIM really needs to do instead.
1) The first important step is simple. Stop competing in a field where it cannot win: the app battle, or “App Race”. There is a reason why Texas is still a Republican state. Leave the racing for Apple and Android, or whoever wants to step up to the plate and surpass Apple’s monstrous collection of applications. BlackBerry users need to understand that just because there are more apps available for the iPhone, does not mean that RIM’s end is near. BlackBerry does not need to compete with Apple, Android, Palm or others in having the most apps. Instead, focus on improving and developing new functions that will elevate BlackBerry’s efficiency to an even higher level.
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2) BlackBerry must reassure its corporate customers that its compatibility,security, and extensibility are still unmatched. Businesses as we know it deal alot with secretarial duties. Well with the recent announcement of the promised Mobile Voice System 5.0 , this puts RIM right back in gear headed towards the right direction. It will be up to RIM as to how well they market this new service. I’m sure Palm is working on a marketing gameplan as well as enhancing capabilities, not just worrying about having the most apps. Afterall, on their page they state they have the “Best” apps around, not the MOST. Back to our beloved devices, disregard the competition to be a leader in digital entertainment, and instead keep pushing itself as a productivity enhancement device. BlackBerry is known for being secure and they need to keep it that way. With RIM’s excellent BES system, It encrypts messages, making your emails and shared documents secure and safe out of the eyes of others. Ask The United Arab Emirates along with Saudi Arabia how secure the BlackBerry is, they will surely tell you. Last week they threatened to ban BlackBerry because their govenment could not get inside private messages on the phones of their citizens. A jurisdiction battle in which RIM clearly got the upperhand. Thats what’s up!
RIM needs to work on capturing two types of customers. Business users that use BlackBerry to make their days easier and everyone else, which is the consumer. For both business users and consumers, the BlackBerry needs to base itself as a smartphone that only gives you what is neccessary and rapid at the same time. People don’t really need thousands of apps to run their lives, simply use what is important. So in sum, The next “killer app” for RIM is not an app at all. It is stepping away from the “App race” with Apple and others. BlackBerry must continue to work on their efficiency, position itself as a smart phone that will enhance productivity, and step away from digital distractions.
Do fellow BlackBerry users feel the same way about this? What do you think?