Blackberry is advertising in the Super Bowl. “A Super Bowl commercial is a great opportunity to show the redesigned, re-engineered and reinvented BlackBerry to tens of millions of consumers on the largest advertising stage of the year,” Frank Boulben, RIM’s chief marketing officer.
The commercial was created by London-based creative agency AMV BBDO, the same Marketing Company retained by Guinness for a Spectacular Ad that ran in 1999 )
As I watched the video, original named ‘Surfer Guinness’ I thought: ‘ What if the ending was just a little different? ‘ Copyright aside, I redid the ending for us.
Imagine horses in the Video as unsupportive Media and ‘others.’ Imagine the guys who did not succeed in the attempt to surf the huge wave as all the BlackBerry Employees and their families who took the hit during the restructuring of BlackBerry. My hat is off to your struggles.
The guy who did ride the huge wave could be Thorsten Heins, surviving the ordeal he willing threw himself into; but I prefer the grin the surfer had as ours- The grin of the BlackBerry Fans who have seen this wait through. I salute the effort by all the Bloggers, the Developers, the Fans who rallied behind a cause that is much bigger than all of us. I once saw a great Gary Larson Cartoon that had two spiders conversing at the base of a Kids slide where they had just completed a large spider web. One spider looked to the other and said “If we pull this off we will eat like Kings!”
I don’t care who you are: Here’s to your dreams! Please watch
Good things come to those who wait!