MockIt! memes creator for BlackBerry 10 just updated in the Beta Zone to beta 3 bringing a loads of new memes and features. If you are not familiar with MockIt! see previous articles here.
Change log for MockIt! beta 3:
- More mocks!
- More memes!
- New Icon!
- Much improves UI/UX!
- Ability to sticky/favorite memes and mocks so they are easy to find in the lists
- New meme editing UI.
- Registered with BlackBerry invocation framework so users can share to and open in MockIt(Memes only)
- Added one time tutorials splash screen when users first visit the meme editior
- Brand new easter egg! (NO hints from the dev on this one)
Huge change log, if you are into memes then definitely get this app via the BlackBerry Beta Zone.