The zero power consumption tracking solution application for BlackBerry LittleBrother, has been updated to v0.3.5.0. This is a very neat app. Its duty is to automatically inform friends and family members when you have arrived at a predefined location. The major advantage to this application is that it runs with virtually zero power consumption. You can use LittleBrother in several situations such as tracking loved ones, determining if your device was stolen, as well as some fun geo-adventuring with Google Earth. Using the cell towers to get your position has ups and downs. By using the cell tower, you are getting an inaccurate reading of your position, but you are also saving a lot of power. The GPS on your BlackBerry consumes a lot of battery life, and since this app is mainly concerned with regions, the cell tower is sufficient.
- Automatically send email and/or SMS notification when the device is leaving a certain area.
- Automatically send email and/or SMS notification when the device is returning into a certain area.
- See an overview map of the last 25 cell towers you have been connected to.
- Export the local cell tower Database (locations) to a KML-File and send it via email. This can be used with Google Earth to get an overview of all the cell towers you have recorded so far.
- Customize Messages! NEW
- Options reorganized! NEW
To get started on this neat app via OTA click here >>> LittleBrother