Here recently we have been told that a few new BlackBerry models are in the works for 2011. If you own a Bold, Curve, Torch, or Storm, except some hefty changes to its successors. Below are some unofficial, leaked photos of the 2011 BlackBerry Concept Models. Take them as you may. More button for photos and a brief description of each >>>
The first bad boy on the list is codename: Dakota, which resembles much of the Bold line. Expect HD video recording, higher display resolution, a RAM upgrade, NFC, mobile hotspot functionality and a refreshed touch optimized version of BlackBerry 6 (6.1 OS.)
Next up, is the ever-popular Curve series: Codename Apollo for the meantime. It will pack an updated screen resolution, HSPA, a 5-megapixel camera, 800MHz CPU, and from the looks of the concept photo, it still lacks a Flash camera. Come on now. An 800Mhz Cpu and still no Flash Camera? These better be very, very early concept photos. I don’t care if you have a Jaguar equipped with a high-output v12 engine, if the thing doesn’t have simple cupholders, women and others who expect these things, such as a cupholder or flash camera, might take their business elsewhere. Simple as that
Last but not least, the Original Torch 9800 is having a Birthday and will be turning Two this year. For it’s bday, the Torch 2 its getting a 1.2GHz processor, 8GB built-in memory, BlackBerry OS 6.1, VGA-resolution, OpenGL ES,NFC and more. If true, the Torch 2 and Storm 3 could be put in the ring for a match-up so we can know once and for all, who the ultimate ‘touch‘ BlackBerry really is.
How true all of this development is? We still don’t know. BGR broke the initial story so only official confirmation will prove BGR’s claims. BGR doesn’t mislead, doesn’t spread garbage, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, BGR is by any means NO BlackBerry specialist.