On the eve of an official update coming for BlackBerry 10 devices that haven’t already received the OS 10.3.1 update, OS has now (finally) leaked in full, autoloader form. This is apparantly the gold candidate version which has been sent to carriers across the spectrum in which very well could be the official OS that is expected to launch very very soon to first generation of BlackBerry 10 devices, which include the BlackBerry Z10, Q10, Q5, Z30, Z3. The BlackBerry Passport will also recieve the update too. Some carriers including TELUS pushed OS to the BlackBerry Classic last week and appeared as a “Blitz” update. However, thank to SirJes on the CB forums, we now have full autoloaders for each device.
Remember, neither BlackBerry nor BlackBerry Empire is responsible for whatever occurs when loading this OS to your device. If you can’t remember how to load an Autoloader or if it’s your first time, have a read at my instructions
Download OS for all BlackBerry 10 devices